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Insomnia and poor sleep can affect your health and your life!!

It is not uncommon these days to hear patients or people tell us that they are having a hard time sleeping. The economy, family, money issues, even jobs and increased work stress can all contribute to the occasional poor nights sleep. But if it is a regular problem, then your health and your lifestyle may suffer. Ever notice how weak, tired or even run down you may feel after just one night if decrease sleep? Try doing it for a few days in a row and you are likely to get sick with a cold or virus.

Our bodies have an internal, natural clock which promotes a regular sleep cycle, but when this cycle is disturbed, this is where the person experiences insomnia. The definition of insomnia is the difficulty in initiating and/or maintaining sleep. The effects of sleep deprivation are cumulative and have profound effects on memory, learning, reasoning, reaction time, and what we refer to as “executive functioning”  How can you pay attention, think and remember if you are exhausted?

It has been found that many children who were labeled ADHD were actually sleep deprived children.  When these children start sleeping the appropriate length of time, many of the ADHD symptoms go away.  Adult sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on family, society, and the workplace.

Sleep deprived adults are very inefficient and at times unsafe.  They have more accidents, lose productive work time, and have been known to cause disasters in industrial settings.  In addition sleep deprivation is a contributing factor to depression and anxiety.

Why is that? It is at night during the deep states of recuperative sleep, that your body repairs from the stress of the days prior. Go to the gym? it is at night that your muscles repair and get stronger, not in the gym. The foods you eat, healthy or not are used to repair your body while you are sleeping.

If you are not sleeping well, you cannot completely or efficiently repair and heal. Hence you cannot be healthy and function up to your potential. While that might not seem important in the short term, the long term consequences are devastating. Most chronic issues and diseases cannot be addressed without a good nights sleep.

So what can you do about it?

1. Over the counter or prescription medications to help you sleep. The problem with them, is that they can become habit forming and may then lose their effect over time, and more may be needed, or you may not be able to fall asleep without them.

2. Psychotherapy to reduce stress. This helps a great deal, but can be expensive, and can take months to years to gain the benefit you are trying to achieve.

3. Change your mattress, improve the position you sleep in, put a pillow between your knees, or under them, darken your room, and take a protein shake before bed are also great ways to improve your sleep.

4. Neuro biofeedback: This is a system / technique that helps to retrain your brain. Depending on what you are doing, your brain has a certain wave or brain pattern. When you read, it should be focused, when you close your eyes, it should be relaxed.  Many times, brain waves can become disregulated, or out of order for what ever reason. Trauma, stress, medication, computers, florescent lighting,  or even the high paced information age we live in can disrupt how our brains function.

This can lead to insomnia or poor sleeping patterns. Many people can be diagnosed as having insomnia without knowing it. These are often people who have a very hard time falling asleep, or can fall asleep but cannot stay asleep. They may also wake multiple times per night, and wake up feeling just as exhausted as when they went to bed. These are common signs of dysregulated sleep patterns.

Biofeedback systems like the Braincore system help to retrain your brain to fire correctly at the right times. It incorporates multiple sensory stimulation like visual, auditory, tactile, and visceral control to retrain your brain on a permanent, and effective basis.

BUT… how do you know if this technique will help? An EEG scan of your brain is necessary to see if you qualify as a candidate for this procedure. Some are not, but those that are, do very well. We carefully screen clients before embarking on a corrective program, so we can obtain optimum results without wasting peoples time or hard earned money.
Not sleeping can lead to many health conditions, feeling run down and cranky, as well as condtions like fibromyalgia, and chrinic fatigue syndrome. Headaches, hormonal imbanaces are also a common symptom of poor sleep. So are aches and pains where the body tissues cannot heal.

Braincore / neuro – biofeedback systems that can retrain your brain to become properly regulated can make all the difference in the world as well as how you feel.

We are the only office in South Florida to have this system. We are located in the heart of Parkland, serving people from as far away as Hollywood, Delray, Deerfield, Margate, and Coral Springs.

To learn more, click below:




If you are one of the millions suffering from poor or no sleep, please call our office to schedule a consultation and brain EEG with Dr. Nina Hersch to see if biofeedback is right for you. You have nothing to lose, but a lifetime of restful sleep to gain. Call now (954) 340-7545

19 Join the Conversation

  1. Tony says
    Apr 08, 2012 at 1:06 PM

    Good info Dr. Joe!! Thanks for the post.

    • Dr. Joseph Bogart says
      Apr 08, 2012 at 1:40 PM

      Thanks Tony. It amazes me how many people suffer from sleep issues.

  2. Tanya Mundo says
    Apr 09, 2012 at 6:18 AM

    Excellent article! I am always amazed how many people are not getting nearly enough sleep. I always prescribe a regular sleep schedule for my mental health patients, along with a healthy diet, as I feel that many of them would not need to take prescription medication if they simply followed these two pieces of advice.

    • Dr. Joseph Bogart says
      Apr 09, 2012 at 7:10 AM

      Good advice. It makes a huge difference. I had a patient who just was not getting better the way he should, but once we got his sleep improved, his issues resolved. Amazing!

  3. Mandy Curry says
    Apr 09, 2012 at 4:32 PM

    Wow! What a timely article. My cousin (12 yrs old) is staying with us for Spring Break. He takes medication for ADHD. I've noticed that he sleeps for only 6 hours (at best) each night. It's incredibly difficult for him to fall asleep and he's on edge all night. I can definitely see how his lack of sleep could contribute to so many other issues. Do you recommend your system for children?

    • Dr. Joseph Bogart says
      May 30, 2012 at 5:12 PM

      Yes it is marvelous for children as well as adults. If you are interested, call to set up an appointment to see if this type of treatment will be helpful for your cousin. (954) 340-7545. We also have more info on the web at

  4. Sylvia says
    Apr 10, 2012 at 8:06 PM

    Oh my gosh! I had no idea that lack of sleep could instigate ADD,ADHD, fibromyalgia and such! Amazing what a good nights sleep can do for you. I slept 13 hours one night last week! I couldn't believe it but I sure felt great when I woke up! Thanks for the great info!

    • Dr. Joseph Bogart says
      Apr 11, 2012 at 6:26 AM

      Yup sleep, or the lack thereof can affect all facets of your life and health. Thanks for the comments!

  5. Health Magazine says
    Apr 25, 2012 at 5:48 PM

    My best friend and I suffered from allergies when we used to live back in our country. Ever since we moved to the US, the allergies kind of went away magically. Is there a reason for that?

    • Dr. Joseph Bogart says
      May 23, 2012 at 7:36 PM

      Different allergens in different lands. Many people build a tolerance to things they are exposed to.

  6. Reece says
    May 23, 2012 at 12:57 PM

    You don't state what type of work you do. But if you have a sedentary job, such as a desk job, you may not be gentitg enough exercise during the day. A good physical workout, or any physical activity that works the body and brain, can help with a better nights sleep. If your body is tired, you will sleep better. Just don't work out more than 2 or 3 hours prior to bedtime. Try doing some physical activity after your job. Make sure you eat a good meal in the evening, but not too late. Hunger can also cause insomnia. You might also try drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime. It has a calming, sedative effect.Also, you state that you go to bed at 8 and wake up at 1 or 2. You are gentitg 5-6 hours of sleep per night. Some people do not require more sleep than this. Try staking awake and going to bed later, and see if you can sleep later in the mornings.

    • Dr. Joseph Bogart says
      May 23, 2012 at 7:35 PM

      Thanks Reece, great points.

  7. Michael says
    May 30, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    Meditation has really helped me with my sleep problems. Thanks for the article.

  8. JB Glossinger says
    May 30, 2012 at 4:25 PM

    WOW great post! Sleeping issues are rough - thanks for this post on Insomnia.

  9. Leslie says
    May 30, 2012 at 7:32 PM

    I had absolutely no idea about the connection of ADD and sleep. That needs to get out to the masses. Thanks.

    • Dr. Joseph Bogart says
      May 30, 2012 at 8:35 PM

      Amazing right? Help me spread the word by sharing this blog. Thanks.

  10. Lori says
    May 30, 2012 at 9:12 PM

    Sleep is vital. Excellent article Joe!!!!

  11. Luis Rosario says
    May 31, 2012 at 9:19 AM

    I agree doc, sleep does the body good. I took some of the meltonin you gave me, I slept like a baby. Don't worry I only take it once in a while, I don't want to get dependent on it.

  12. Traci says
    May 31, 2012 at 10:45 AM

    Sleep is absolutely vital to health and healing. Rejuvenation of the cells is needed daily to keep our bodies at their best. Thanks for sharing the info.

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